The Miracle of Emsella for Men
Erectile Dysfunction.
Not many people can say, or even think about this phrase without feeling a little bit uncomfortable. But the real uncomfortable truth is that ED affects roughly one-third of men, and that number increases with age and activity level. One study shows that 70% of men over 70 experience ED.
While dealing with erectile dysfunction is uncomfortable, you’re in good company with the majority of the male population.
So, how do you combat this issue?
Yes, there is that cute little pill Viagra. But some people don’t want to deal with hormones and chemicals or be reminded of ED every time the mood strikes.
Did you know there is an efficient way to directly target the problem area for long-term, non-invasive results that help you perform the way you want, whenever you want?
Enter Emsella. This miracle chair is FDA-approved to help combat ED and has been dubbed “Mensella” by those who have achieved their desired results. It’s also incredibly productive and widely used to help with incontinence, so if you experience both, Emsella is the ultimate multitasker.
You have everything you need to achieve an erection. Emsella will help you flip the switch whenever you want!
How does Emsella help with Erectile Dysfunction?
No chemicals, no hormones, no surgery, no invasive procedures.
Instead, Emsella focuses on building and stimulating the muscles necessary to achieve an erection through a series of electromagnetic pulses.
These electromagnetic pulses target your pelvic floor to restore neuromuscular control, which not only reverses the effects of ED but also helps with incontinence. In simple terms, it’s an incredibly productive Kegel exercise and not one you can do alone. While regularly doing Kegels is a great way to counteract ED, Emsella targets both voluntary and involuntary muscles (ones you can consciously control and ones you can’t) for total pelvic floor strengthening.
Not to mention that Emsella stimulates these muscles with 11,000 supramaximal contractions per minute, which adds up to many more Kegels than you have the time for.
How does Emsella help with Incontinence?
The same strengthening of the pelvic muscles that improves sexual performance also improves and restores pelvic organ control. So, if you experience times when you feel like you can’t drink a sip of water without being near a bathroom, Emsella can broaden your horizons with great results.
Emsella is backed by science – 95% of treated patients reported significant improvement in their quality of life, and 2/3 of treated patients reduced or totally eliminated the use of hygienic pads.
Experience the treatment that will give you the freedom and ability to trust yourself and your bladder.
Is Emsella right for you?
It’s always a good idea to discuss options with your practitioner on how to treat and combat erectile dysfunction. But if you are experiencing performance problems in the bedroom or dealing with uncomfortable and inconvenient incontinence, chances are that Emsella can help.
In just a few short treatments, Emsella can strengthen your pelvic floor, increase your confidence, and improve your sex life. Because there are no invasive procedures, needles, knives, or medication, Emsella can be a great treatment for men of any age and activity level experiencing ED or urinary incontinence and is a widely-used, safe, and universal solution.
What do “Mensella” treatments look like?
Once you decide with your practitioner that Emsella is right for you, the actual treatments are a piece of cake.
Emsella treatments are typically 30 minutes long, and most patients schedule two treatments a week for three weeks to reach their desired results. Many patients report noticeable improvements after just one treatment!
We recommend patients wear light, comfortable clothing that doesn’t have metal, but there is no need to unclothe for the treatment. The entire session consists of sitting in a chair, reading your favorite book or magazine. Many consider it a nice break from screens and a chance to reconnect with themselves, even if it’s just for 30 minutes!
The treatments themselves are completely pain-free. Some patients experience a slight tingling sensation, but the most common feeling is simply involuntary muscle contractions in your pelvic floor.
After the treatment, you can return to standard day-to-day activities with zero discomfort or pain.
Open your mind to new possibilities of sexual confidence! To discuss if Emsella is the right treatment for you, give our team a call or set up a consultation appointment!