The Secret to Exceptional Beauty
Many people notice stunning lips or breathtaking eyes, but what many underestimate is the beauty a perfectly contoured, balanced jawline brings to a face.

A well-defined jawline lifts the face and enhances all of the facial features. Some people are blessed with a beautiful sharp jawline (think Angelina Jolie or Johnny Depp), however, the rest of us aren’t quite as lucky.
To make matters worse, our jawlines naturally lose definition over time. As we age, our jawline will appear less slim and sleek, and we may even see jowls appear.
In the past, the only way to transform your jawline was to undergo expensive surgery. Today, you can tweak your jawline in a number of ways without any surgery whatsoever.
Here at the G Spa, we can make your jawline sharper, softer, or stronger in minutes! A jawline contour treatment involves using injectables to reenergize the face and sculpt out a stunning new jawline.
Or call us now at (805) 682-4772.