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UltraShape™ Painless Body Contouring

Do you have stubborn belly fat? Is diet and exercise just not doing the job? Then UltraShape™ is perfect for you!

UltraShape™ is a non-invasive body contouring procedure that’s FDA-cleared to treat areas of fat on the stomach that have been resistant to diet and exercise. Unlike other body contouring options, UltraShape™ is virtually painless and has a 96% customer satisfaction rating. During treatment, the ultrasound waves work together with your body’s natural processes. The machine delivers ultrasound technology through a handheld device placed on the targeted area, which causes the fat cells to burst. The destroyed fat cells are eliminated through the same natural physiological pathways that process them during normal weight loss.

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November 2017 – Monthly Specials


Save $100 per syringe

Laser Hair Removal

Purchase 1 treatment, get your second treatment 1/2 off!


Rejuvenate your skin with a powerful anti-aging treatment! Improve skin tone, texture and pigmentation

$625 with PRP


$525 with HA


Save 20% on our favorite products

Revision SkinCare

Nectifirm Advanced

Firming Night Treatment

Intellishade Moisturizer

Can You Guess The G Spa’s 8 Sunscreen Rules?

Spring is here and Summer is just around the corner and with our love of the California sunshine brings the unfortunate side effects of sun damage. When you are having fun in the sun whether at the beach, out on a bicycle ride or enjoying an afternoon of wine tasting remember to protect your skin from the lasting effects of sun damage.

  1. Don’t forget sun protection is more than just sunscreen.
    Sunscreen is a good start but sunscreen alone cannot protect your skin from sun damage. Remember to protect your face and décolleté with a wide brimmed hat, sunglasses and protective clothing whenever possible.
  2. Remember One & Done isn’t the rule.
    When you apply sunscreen you need to remember that reapplication is key! With prolonged exposure to the sun, time in the water, and physical activity sunscreens lose efficacy and expose your skin to the harmful effects of sun damage. So remember Apply & Reapply often.
  3. What should I look for in a sunscreen?
    Sunscreens come in 2 different forms. Chemical sunscreen ingredients, such as PABA which absorb UV rays and convert the sun’s radiation into heat energy and physical sunscreens (such as zinc and titanium), which deflect and scatter the rays before they penetrate your skin. Both types of sunscreens can be effective if used properly.
  4. What is the best time to apply your sunscreen?
    Always apply your sunscreen at least 15-20 minutes before sun exposure.
  5. Check the expiration dates?
    Sunscreens DO expire and using them past their expiration date can leave your skin exposed.
  6. Avoid any sunscreens or lip product that contain Vitamin A?
    Sunscreens that contain vitamin A, also called Retinyl Palmitate have been shown to cause damage when exposed to the sun! Don’t take the risk.
  7. Remember any SPF higher then 50, isn’t offering more protection.
    According to the FDA, there’s no evidence that an SPF higher then 50 provides any better protection against harmful rays and actually may make us feel overconfident and less likely to reapply.
  8. Make it a part of your daily routine
    Many mineral based sunscreens contain anti-aging moisturizers and have many benefits in addition to protecting your skin from the sun, so go ahead and make it a part of your daily routine.

Venus Freeze™ A Skin Tightening Treatment

Yes, the name can be a bit misleading…because you are not going to freeze…in fact it feels more like a hot stone massage!

Ok, here is the technical stuff. The Venus Freeze™, so named as it “Freezes Time”, uses heat from a patented Multi Polar Technology and Magnetic Pulses to target fat cells and activate the skin’s natural restoration process. The controlled thermal action of the Multi Polar Technology stimulates collagen production and elastin synthesis for wrinkle and cellulite reduction. At the same time the Magnetic Pulses induce the growth of new blood vessels and trigger the growth of cells that produce collagen fibers, rejuvenating the supply of nutrients to the skin for younger, firmer looking skin.

In the media Venus Freeze™ has been featured frequently and it has been demonstrated on The Doctors and The Rachael Ray Show. In both these promotions you can witness some astonishing results. The Venus Freeze™ is not the only game in town, but it is the one we believe is the overall best for cellulite reducing, wrinkle diminishing and skin tightening.

As it is Dr. Griffin’s goal to help accentuate her client’s natural beauty, we promote products and services that most benefit our clients with minimal pain, minimal downtime and great results. This is why we are such big fans of the Venus Freeze™. Our clients love the results!

Call us for a consultation. We would be happy to answer your questions on the Venus Freeze™ or any of our other medical spa services. If you are considering several Venus Freeze™ treatments, The G Spa offers the Venus Freeze™Tight Club as a way to help you save money.

We look forward to seeing you!

The G Spa Team

MonaLisa Touch™

Dr. Kathleen Griffin, a Certified Menopause Clinician at the G Spa Medical Spa & Laser Center, was the first provider in Santa Barbara County to offer The MonaLisa Touch.  The MonaLisa Touch™ laser is a new and exciting medical breakthrough for treating certain symptoms of menopause.

Menopause is a natural transition for women defined as the end of menstruation. When menopause will occur is difficult to predict and varies greatly by individual. Most women experience menopause between the ages of 40 and 60 with the average age being 51.  Menopause symptoms may occur during this transition. Some women experience medically, or surgically induced menopause, caused by either a hysterectomy, chemotherapy, radiation or anti-estrogen hormonal therapy which are common treatments for breast cancer.

The symptoms of menopause may be unpleasant and can be life changing. By the time women reach 40 or 50, they experience a decrease in estrogen which can affect tissues that include the vagina, vulva, uterus, breasts, bones, brain, skin, hair, heart, blood vessels, bladder, urethra and mucous membranes.

Vaginal atrophy, or Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause, one of the most common conditions of menopause, is also due to a decline in estrogen. Without estrogen mucosal elasticity is lost and the vaginal tissue dries out, becoming fragile and susceptible to injury.  Women can also experience urinary incontinence, dyspareunia (painful intercourse), dryness, itchiness, burning, prolapse and laxity or looseness.

Up to now a woman’s only choice was HRT or Hormone Replacement Therapy.  HRT can relieve the symptoms of vaginal dryness and dyspareunia by boosting the estrogen levels enough to suppress symptoms. Short-term use of HRT carries little risk, however, studies have shown that long-term use (over 5 years) of HRT may increase a woman’s risk of breast cancer. Some alternatives to HRT include the use of vaginal lubricants, testosterone, herbs, exercise, and acupuncture.  Alternatively, the MonaLisa Touch™ laser has proven to be a safe and effective treatment for relieving symptoms. This is a hormone-free alternative for women who have been treated with chemotherapy, radiation and/or anti-estrogen hormonal therapy for breast cancer. The MonaLisa Touch™ has proven to be more effective than traditional Hormone Replacement Therapy.

MonaLisa Touch™, a fractionated CO2 vaginal laser treatment, is much like your annual exam. The MonaLisa Touch™ is an in office procedure that takes less then 5 minutes, requires no anesthesia, is minimally uncomfortable and is hormone free (No HRT). The MonaLisa Touch™ treats the underlying causes not just the symptoms.  The purpose of the vaginal laser is to increase blood flow and stimulate collagen growth, improving the mucosa of the vaginal walls to promote vaginal rehydration and functionality of the treated area. With the gentle action of the MonaLisa Touch™ laser, the healing process begins returning the vagina to its natural healthy youthful state. Patients can return to normal activity soon after a treatment session.

Noticeable results may occur after only 1 session but to be fully effective Dr. Griffin always recommends a series of 3 sessions.  Some patients may require 4-5 treatments depending on the severity of their condition. Each treatment session is less than 5 minutes, scheduled 6 weeks apart. Maintenance includes an annual MonaLisa Touch-up.  As the aging process continues symptoms can return.

The G Spa offers a package rate for 3 treatments or patients can elect to pay for individual treatments.

In the past menopause symptoms have often been ignored due to the sensitivity of the subject and the lack of non-invasive treatment, however Dr. Griffin and her patients at The G Spa are seeing MonaLisa Touch™ as revolutionary! Please call us today for your complimentary consultation.

Lovely Lips with Juvederm VOLBELLA® XC

The G Spa Medical Spa and Laser Center in Santa Barbara is happy to announce the addition of Juvederm VOLBELLA® XC to their spa service line up.  VOLBELLA® XC is a new filler which can give a wide variety of very subtle and natural results in various areas of the face. So, what could it do for you?

Full, Luscious Lips

Juvederm VOLBELLA® XC is designed to give a soft, natural look.  It can do wonders for the natural shape of the lips, help to create a more defined cupid’s bow (the double-curved bow at the top edge of a person’s upper lip) and alleviate the fine lines around the mouth which can make lips look smaller.  The effects are designed to be very natural. For a more dramatic effect, Juvederm® ULTRA XC may be a more suitable filler, because it can provide plenty of luscious volume. Ultimately, a consultation is necessary to determine the most suitable filler for your unique features and needs, and to determine the best method for achieving the results you desire.

Cupids Bow

Improve the Shape of Your Lips

The soft consistency mentioned above makes it possible for Dr. Griffin at The G Spa to carefully augment the shape of the lips in order to restore lost volume without creating an excessively plumped look. Those who feel that the natural shape of their lips has declined with age are able to restore their youthful pout, and those who have particularly straight or thin lips can achieve a more defined cupid’s bow and delicately plumped appearance that looks very natural. VOLBELLA® XC is also a great filler for gently lifting the corners of the lips, which is ideal for those who have a downward shape to their mouth.

Reduce the Severity of Smile Lines

Nasolabial folds, the lines which run from the outside of the nose down to the mouth, are often an unwanted side effect of aging. However, they’re also referred to as our “smile lines” and are a signifier of all the happy moments in our life so far. Rather than completely smoothing them out completely, VOLBELLA® XC can add a touch of extra volume in order to gently soften them. It’s a great way to achieve a more youthful appearance subtly.

Minimize Crows Feet

Although VOLBELLA® XC is most frequently used as a filler for the lips and mouth area, it’s also a great one for gently smoothing away crow’s feet. Since crow’s feet tend to be very fine lines, the soft consistency of VOLBELLA® XC is perfect for adding just a touch of added volume to plump up the skin and create an incredibly natural finish.

Reduces the Appearance of Vertical Lip Lines

VOLBELLA® XC is FDA approved for lip augmentation and the treatment of perioral rhytids, which are the fine vertical lines which occur around the mouth.  These lines are a major telltale sign of aging. Since VOLBELLA® XC has a very soft consistency, it’s a brilliant filler for gently smoothing out these lines while maintaining a very natural shape to the upper lip.

Dr. Griffin and her staff would love to help you achieve full, lovely, kissable lips, call today to learn more!

The G Spa Medical Spa and Laser Center

PicoSure Laser…Brighten & Smooth Your Skin!

From acne scars to tattoo removal, PicoSure has become a go-to treatment for various skin issues. Both fast and non-surgical, PicoSure is a laser skin treatment that targets problem areas with short laser pulses. The laser is a non-invasive and gentle way to experience a revitalized you.

PicoSure uses fall into two main categories. The first is for several skin treatments. Sun damage, age spots, freckles, acne scars, and wrinkles are all capable of being treated by the PicoSure laser. By focusing on specific problem areas, the PicoSure laser, also known as a picosecond laser, can give patients a more youthful appearance with little downtime. In the past, lasers relied on intense heat energy to remove pigment from the skin, which was often painful, leaving skin red and irritated.  But now PicoSure uses a unique method of action, “focus concentrates energy” to generate laser-induced breakdowns (LIOB) in the epidermis.  These laser induced breakdowns cause pressure waves which reach into the dermis, activating cell signaling and initiating an enhanced inflammatory healing response. This leads to increased collagen and elastin but without the thermal injury of other lasers. The patient experiences only a few hours of mild redness but with a few treatments can see pigment, wrinkle and acne scar improvement.

Second to skin revitalization, but just as effective, PicoSure is also used for tattoo removal. By targeting the ink particles with high-pressure pulses, the tattoo is broken up into tiny particles that are slowly eliminated from the body. In a few treatments, the tattoo will appear to fade continually.

PicoSure has become a favored treatment of clients at The G Spa in Santa Barbara.  Dr. Griffin and her staff are happy to answer any questions to make sure you are choosing the treatment that is right for you.

Check out Vogue’s recent endorsement of PicoSure:

For the month of October experience PicoSure for 15% a package of 3!

Call our office today to schedule your consultation 805 682-4772

 See below photos of actual G Spa patients


Why You Eat is as Important as What You Eat!


by Petra Beumer, M.A., Life Coach Expert  for The G Spa Santa Barbara

Why do we eat when we are not hungry? Using food to feel better is very common and causes unwanted weight gain, feelings of guilt and a sense of losing control.

Emotional overeaters need to learn to separate hunger from other needs. Ask yourself: “What am I really in need of right now? How am I feeling? What challenges do I face? Am I angry? Am I lonely? Am I sad? Am I bored? Am I feeling unappreciated?”

It takes courage to honestly assess what is going on inside of you. Looking at your true feelings will help you break the vicious cycle of eating instead of feeling.

Focus on your overall well-being. Eliminate chronic stressors and negative influences in your life. Add positive things to your life like yoga, meditation or try a new hobby. Give yourself the gift of self-love and treat yourself with kindness and patience. If feelings of sadness or hopelessness persist, seek the help of a health professional.

Discover when you feel most alive and energized. Follow that path. Trust your intuition. Laugh. Put things in perspective. Drink fresh water. Read inspirational self-help books. Trust that you can handle all your feelings. In time eating will become less and less important, you’ll see.


Join Us For an Life Enhancing Event

“Mindful Eating” with Life Coach Petra Beumer

At The G Spa Santa Barbara

Thursday October 6th

33 West Mission St. Santa Barbara St Suite 204

5:00 to 7:00pm

805 682-4772 to reserve your space

Seminar is FREE! Bring a Friend!

Existing Patients Direct Booking

Open 9am–5pm, Monday through Friday


33 W Mission St Suite 204, Santa Barbara, CA 93101
(805) 682-4772


2900 Nojoqui Ave., Suites G and H , Los Olivos,  93441
(805) 245-9370


Financing With Cherry

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