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Santa Barbara Body Shaping at The G Spa

body shaping treatments

Working out and eating healthy can do wonders for your body. But sometimes, despite your best efforts, it can still be challenging to lose stubborn fat. Here at The G Spa we offer several nonsurgical fat reduction treatments, using the technology of Emsculpt, TempSure, and Kybella injectables.


Many non-invasive body shaping therapies only address fat and skin. But sometimes you simply want to improve tone and shape. That’s where Emsculpt comes in. Emsculpt helps women and men build muscle and sculpt their body. It’s also the world’s first non-invasive butt lift!

Emsculpt uses non-invasive HIFEM® (High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic) technology which induces supramaximal muscle contractions not achievable though voluntary contractions. When exposed to these contractions, the muscle tissue is forced to adapt to such extreme conditions. It responds with a deep remodeling of its inner structure that results in muscle building and sculpting your body.

This non-invasive procedure feels like an intense workout. There is no recovery time and no pre or post treatment preparations. Lay down and relax during treatment and see tangible results immediately!


TempSure™ provides non-invasive skin tightening, cellulite improvement, body sculpting, and fat reduction. The treatment is designed to help firm and tighten areas of your skin that have lost elasticity. The process uses radio frequency to create a thermal response in the skin, which encourages the body to produce more collagen and elastin fibers.

Commonly treated areas include the neck, arms, tummy and thighs, as well as the face. TempSure helps sculpt certain areas of the body by shrinking stubborn fat, thus improving contour. TempSure can, for example, tighten and tone loose skin in the abdomen area for a smoother waistline. There’s no surgery, no anesthesia required, and no downtime! We apply a gel to your skin and then pass a handheld transducer over the target area. It feels a bit like a gentle, warm massage and most areas can be treated in record time.


Want to lose your double chin without surgery? Kybella treatments are fast, safe, and effective.

Submental fullness – or a double chin – is a common condition in adults where excess fat is stored in the neck, below the chin and jawline. This decreases the youthful jawline definition and leads to an imbalanced, older, and overweight appearance. Many factors contribute to having a double chin, from age to genetics to weight.

Kybella® is deoxycholic acid, a prescription-strength injection. Deoxycholic acid is a salt that is made in the liver that breaks down fat. Kybella® actually destroys the fat cells that accumulate in the neck. Once these cells are destroyed, they can no longer store or accumulate fat. The body then naturally eliminates the fat slowly over a few weeks. Kybella® is the first and only FDA approved injectable treatment for the double chin.

If you’re interested in destroying the fat that, despite your best efforts, remains resistant to diet and exercise, call us today or click here to schedule a consultation. We’d love to discuss what the right treatment is for you! (805) 682-4772

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Open 9am–5pm, Monday through Friday


33 W Mission St Suite 204, Santa Barbara, CA 93101
(805) 682-4772


2900 Nojoqui Ave., Suites G and H , Los Olivos,  93441
(805) 245-9370


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